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is it safe to double over the counter medication recommended dose?

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is it safe to double over the counter medication recommended dose?
the medication if for sesonal allergies Best answer: So technically the dosages given are given are there to protect people. There will be poeple who can take double the dose with no bad effects. But then again there are people who would have bad rea the medication if for sesonal allergies
Best answer:
So technically the dosages given are given are there to protect people. There will be poeple who can take double the dose with no bad effects. But then again there are people who would have bad reactions to the over the counter medications at the recomended dosage. There are many reasons why you might react to the medication including the state of ur liver and other organs.

The best thing to do is go to the doctor and see if there is any stronger or more effective medication that you can take taht will me safe for u (assessed by ur doctor)
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