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what if antihistimines do not stop my respiratory allergies?

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what if antihistimines do not stop my respiratory allergies?
OTC and RX antihistimines do not stop my seasonal allergies. What other alternatives do I have? Best answer: There are several approaches to treating seasonal allergies. First and foremost, you need to control the allergens that surround you as much OTC and RX antihistimines do not stop my seasonal allergies. What other alternatives do I have?
Best answer:
There are several approaches to treating seasonal allergies. First and foremost, you need to control the allergens that surround you as much as possible - this is much more important for year-round sufferers. Think about limiting carpeting in the house, restricting pets from the bedroom, air filters, pillow/mattress barriers. Oral antihistamines are usually the medication tried first. Despite what some people may say, not all oral antihistamines are created equal. Benadryl really is an oldie but goodie, however the drowsiness is difficult to handle for the majority of people. Allergists tend to believe that Zyrtec is the most effective. Nasal steroid sprays (Flonase, Nasonex, Nasacort, Rhinocort) are often used in combination with oral antihistamine tablets. These need to be used on a daily basis to build up effectiveness over a period of time. There is also a prescription antihistamine nasal spray called Astelin. But take it from me, this stuff tastes absolutely horrible when it drips into the back of your throat from your nose! Singulair has a new FDA indication for allergies via a leukotriene blocking mechanism, but honestly I don
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