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ok help me plz?

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ok help me plz?
ok what should i do if i start my mothly in pe and or the locker room Best answer: track ur cycle, and predict when it may come. then put a tampon or pad whatever you are using in the gym bag. say you have to go to the bathroom and put it in, and go ok what should i do if i start my mothly in pe and or the locker room
Best answer:
track ur cycle, and predict when it may come. then put a tampon or pad whatever you are using in the gym bag. say you have to go to the bathroom and put it in, and go back to normal. maybe use a tampon if u are worried, it is less noticible and more comfy for sports. if cramps are bad say u got to go to the nurse, and they will understand!! i have had that problem SO many times. GRRR>
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