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job for dental assistant?

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job for dental assistant?
Best answer: If you were genuinely serious, perhaps you could start with selling yourself, and noting your location...What are your experiences or expertise? DO you hold a valid dental assisting certificate? HARP certified, or certified to take xray
Best answer:
If you were genuinely serious, perhaps you could start with selling yourself, and noting your location...What are your experiences or expertise? DO you hold a valid dental assisting certificate? HARP certified, or certified to take xrays where you are? Are you located in Canada. Do you know digital xrays, computerized dental office? Come on now, let us know...Nobody is just gonna hand you a job, but if you give us some insight soemone may be able to help.
Best answer:
personal;dental assistant
PageUp:Im going to school for dental hygiene and I was wondering if anyone could tell m   PageDown:About whitening my teeth.........?
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