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what should i do if i lose my selences in my teeth?

From:Internet   By:Internet  

what should i do if i lose my selences in my teeth?
okay, i have figured it out its not a cavity it was a part of my selences that fell out of my teeth, i am scared though that it will turn into a cavity. how do i prevent this? i brush my teeth like obbsessively. i had a very small one or it had a cha okay, i have figured it out
its not a cavity it was a part of my selences that fell out of my teeth, i am scared though that it will turn into a cavity. how do i prevent this? i brush my teeth like obbsessively. i had a very small one or it had a chance of becoming a cavity
the dentist sealed it though so. i am going to the dentist and getting it re-sealed but how can i help prevent from not getting cavities? >

Best answer:
3 months ago
o, yeah i feel like i should add this in
I AM SCARED TO DEATH OF MY DENTIST!!! thats why i asked you guys.
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