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Baby calcium problem

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My family baby calcium deficiency, and there are pillows bald, Khan will be back to sleep, my children to take cod liver oil is that Dan and calcium, the effect seems okay. Or have a better brand of recommendation is also OK ah

How we can get out baby do not look at calcium deficiency out? How long to take cod liver oil and calcium do?


best asnwer


I kid calcium deficiency in the baby teeth had not long teeth, and later, some mothers who would recommend me to eat baby Caltrate D, is mainly calcium carbonate with orange flavor, and also contain vitamin D, can be dissolved into the water crush Let your baby to eat, then I ate the baby immediately after the Caltrate D grown in four teeth. But there must be the same time, vitamin D, is the fish maw oil, Han Chen's recently out of a cod liver oil, I use a baby now, sleep can be really good! 50 yuan a box containing help the baby's brain development, DHA and other ingredients, they point to your right? In the market at a good many have heard Kim Shi Qi cod liver oil is not bad, but also more expensive, you can choose not contain other nutrients prices are cheaper. As long as cod liver oil in vitamin A and D on the ratio of the appropriate line, the general vitamin A and D, ratio is 3:1. If you have a lack of general human need some extra nutrients to add this lack of nutrients, and generally add 40 days straight in order to make the lack of nutrients, the body position has improved, eating only a few days is not acceptable. Cod liver oil in the colder weather, the general lack of sunlight in winter baby dress more skin exposed to sunlight less, it is necessary to add cod liver oil in winter baby, baby wear less in summer sunlight and sufficient increase in outdoor activities may be suspended to add.

Need to remind you that in a room separated by glass sun is ineffective, because the glass will block the sun's ultraviolet rays, so the body can not be separated by glass sun synthesis of vitamin D,. In summer in the shade or sun shade houses also make their own baby's physical synthesis of vitamin D.


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