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What symptoms are usually associated with an asthma attack?

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What symptoms are usually associated with an asthma attack?
Best answer: The #1 symptom of Asthma in adults is coughing. It is usually a dry, chronic, hacking cough that does not produce sputum. Wheezing when breathing is another symptom of asthma. The person usually feels like they are breathing through a s
Best answer:
The #1 symptom of Asthma in adults is coughing. It is usually a dry, chronic, hacking cough that does not produce sputum. Wheezing when breathing is another symptom of asthma. The person usually feels like they are breathing through a straw. Asthma attacks come on suddenly and have many different triggers depending on the patient.

Asthma can be treated with bronchitis, steroids, inhalers, antihistamines and even changing the environment to avoid asthma triggers.
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