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home or herbal remedy for ear infection?

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home or herbal remedy for ear infection?
Best answer: i had ear infections so bad as a child. my ears would bleed from the inside onto my pillow at night. tubes were put in so many times that i stayed awake and talked to the doctors and nurses during the operation. they always fell out wit
Best answer:
i had ear infections so bad as a child. my ears would bleed from the inside onto my pillow at night. tubes were put in so many times that i stayed awake and talked to the doctors and nurses during the operation. they always fell out within a week or so. i screamed so loud one night that my mom put me in the car and drove me out to the country so i could scream my head off and NOT wake everyone in town up. an older Amish woman heard my crying and got in her buggy to see what was wrong. she took my mom and me to her home, had me pee in a cup and put 2 drops of it in my ear. I HAVE NOT HAD THE FIRST PROBLEM WITH MY EARS SINCE THAT NIGHT!!!
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