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Ejaculation and testosterone...whats the relationship, I feel weak after I ejacu

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Ejaculation and testosterone...whats the relationship, I feel weak after I ejacu
I read a book on some Taoist philosophy, and it talks about abstaining from sex, to maintain strength. Then I look on some bodybuilding forum, and it talks about ejaculating at least once a week to maintain high level. When I ejaculate, I usually fee I read a book on some Taoist philosophy, and it talks about abstaining from sex, to maintain strength. Then I look on some bodybuilding forum, and it talks about ejaculating at least once a week to maintain high level. When I ejaculate, I usually feel weak for the rest of the day and sometimes the next day as well. Any thoughts on this, and a guide for how much or how little it should be done... by the way I
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