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how to stop?

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how to stop?
how do u stop anxiety attacks once they have started, im having one right now..... and i cant stop it, i dont have any medication please help me Best answer: These attacks can lead to a breakdown if not seen to by a doctor or preferrably a phycologis how do u stop anxiety attacks once they have started, im having one right now.....
and i cant stop it, i dont have any medication please help me
Best answer:
These attacks can lead to a breakdown if not seen to by a doctor or preferrably a phycologist. trust me, ive been there.
When you are having an attack like, you feel like you are about to pass out right? You feel like something terrible is about to occur right? Well it wont. My ultimate advice is to remind yourself that nothing bad is about to, or will happen, during these attacks.
Tell yourself that this is a normal experience that many around you may be getting themselves as you are going through it.
While its happening, try clenching youre fists and holding them there. These attacks wont last for longer than 5 seconds each time. Stress is causing these. I advise you now to visit a phycologist and resolve any issues that may be causing these attacks, before you end up having a serious breakdown like i did.
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