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I have 7 more chemo treatments three weeks apart. Shouldn

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I have 7 more chemo treatments three weeks apart. Shouldn
Diagnosed with mild lymphoma. 51 yrs of age. Best answer: Get the port if you can. I had cancer 8 years ago and I went through treatment every three weeks too. By the end of it they had a hard time trying to find a good vein to use. They still have t Diagnosed with mild lymphoma. 51 yrs of age.
Best answer:
Get the port if you can. I had cancer 8 years ago and I went through treatment every three weeks too. By the end of it they had a hard time trying to find a good vein to use. They still have trouble poking me because the chemo wreaked havok on my veins. I wish I had opted for the port when I had the chance.
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