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my dad and granddad has cancer.I am female so do i have a higher risk of having

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my dad and granddad has cancer.I am female so do i have a higher risk of having
my granddad passed away with lung cancer and im not sure of the type my dad has. he has lost part of an ear and says he has it in another place but he wont say wher. i have two and sometimes three peroids am month and i have severe pain in my right s my granddad passed away with lung cancer and im not sure of the type my dad has. he has lost part of an ear and says he has it in another place but he wont say wher. i have two and sometimes three peroids am month and i have severe pain in my right side most of the month I also have a thick creamy off white discharge all the time this has been going on for about a year and i found out about my dads cancer about four months ago i am afraid to go to a doctor but i dont think i would really want to know I need to no if i am at a high risk and if my symptoms are common for any of the female cancers I also should tell you i am 36yrs old and i have two children someone please help i am very scared answer soon please
Best answer:
get to a doctor imediately, the longer u wait with cancer, the worse things get. Cancer is cured by early detection and treatment.
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