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allergic to water?

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allergic to water?
I have been diagnosed with some big long word that in short means i am allergic to water. there is such thing as having a reaction to heat and cold, but thats not it. the doctor simply said I am one of very few who is indeed allergic to water. it onl I have been diagnosed with some big long word that in short means i am allergic to water. there is such thing as having a reaction to heat and cold, but thats not it. the doctor simply said I am one of very few who is indeed allergic to water. it only effects the outside of your body as far as they know, but i have had many stomach/breathing/heart/everyt... else problems since I was a baby. anyway have any input? anyone ever heard of it? >

Best answer:
11 months ago
and its not anything in the water either, we already have a "soft" water system or whatever its called, and we used pure water from the doctors office as well. and distilled. its just simply the water itself
Best answer:
Considering that your body consists of a high percentage water I find it very hard to believe that your reaction is truly an allergic one. Especially since your symptoms seem to happen just about everywhere, and from your description the "allergic" reaction isn
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