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any herbal remedy for skin complication called urticaria?

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any herbal remedy for skin complication called urticaria?
Best answer: Urticaria is another name for hives, which are localised swellings that usually itch intensely and which are caused by an allergic reaction to something and the release of histamine within the skin. Hives can affect up to 20% of the pop
Best answer:
Urticaria is another name for hives, which are localised swellings that usually itch intensely and which are caused by an allergic reaction to something and the release of histamine within the skin. Hives can affect up to 20% of the population at some time in their lives, including children, and what you have to try and work out is what are you reacting to.

The place to start is your diet. Those foods that commonly trigger urticaria include milk, eggs, chicken, fruits, nuts and food additives so cut these out for at least two weeks. If you can face it, a strict elimination diet which only allows water, rice, lamb, pears and vegetables would also clear the condition if you can stick with it for a fortnight.

Vitamin C is a natural anti-histamine and is always more potent in the presence of one of the bioflavanoids such as quercetin or rosehip. You need to take 500mg of vitamin C three times a day and one capsule of rosehip (which provides additional vitamin C)

Two components of green tea, the polyphenols epigallocatechin (EGC) and epicatechin gallate (ECG),19 are reported to have an antihistamine effect. Some doctors recommend approximately 3 cups of green tea per day or about 3 grams of soluble components providing roughly 240 to 320 mg of polyphenols, although no human trials have studied the effects of green tea in people with hives.
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