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is cancer ailment has chances to be cured?

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is cancer ailment has chances to be cured?
lung cancer stage 3 Best answer: Well what i say is all my views based on the information and my personal experience. And to follow it is not binding to anyone. As per my information and exp I know that a treatment by a fluid called green blood in In lung cancer stage 3
Best answer:
Well what i say is all my views based on the information and my personal experience. And to follow it is not binding to anyone. As per my information and exp I know that a treatment by a fluid called green blood in India is said to be capable of fighting any kind of cancer ailment at advanced stage too. Green blood is a extract of some herbs prepared in a particular way after growing it in a specific patterns.Treatment goes over a period. It not only give proper immution to the patient but also have good properties to cure the ailment at root. Any other treatment can be continued along with this treatment without changing either
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