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what are smoking shisha hazards on health?

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what are smoking shisha hazards on health?
Best answer: Hookah (narghile) smoking, which started in the Middle East, involves burning tobacco (called shisha and often mixed with flavors such as molasses or dried fruit) in a water pipe and inhaling the flavored smoke through a long hose. It h
Best answer:
Hookah (narghile) smoking, which started in the Middle East, involves burning tobacco (called shisha and often mixed with flavors such as molasses or dried fruit) in a water pipe and inhaling the flavored smoke through a long hose. It has become popular in Western countries among younger people in recent years. Hookahs are marketed as being a safe alternative to cigarettes. This claim is false. The water does not filter out many of the toxins, and hookah smoke contains varying amounts of nicotine, carbon monoxide, and other hazardous substances. Several types of cancer, as well as other negative health effects, have been linked to hookah smoking.
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