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what to do for head pain caused by expaned blood vesseales?

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what to do for head pain caused by expaned blood vesseales?
> Best answer: 11 months ago pain mostly brout on by siniua pressur Best answer: throbbing headache caused by vasodilated (expanded) blood vessels can be best treated by caffeine, something which is very common in coffee. this is also used to treat m >

Best answer:
11 months ago
pain mostly brout on by siniua pressur
Best answer:
throbbing headache caused by vasodilated (expanded) blood vessels can be best treated by caffeine, something which is very common in coffee. this is also used to treat migraine patients and there is something called as sumatriptan whic also does the same thing which coffeine does. but since the accuracy of your questions cannot be made its best of you would visit a doctor and see what he has to say.
Best answer:
i am a doctor.
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