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How many cigarattes a day can kill a person?

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How many cigarattes a day can kill a person?
Best answer: There is a cumulative effect to smoking, but it also depends on the general health of the person. If he/she has compromised immunity or other health risks ON TOP of smoking, it will take less cigarettes to ultimately do them in. I once
Best answer:
There is a cumulative effect to smoking, but it also depends on the general health of the person. If he/she has compromised immunity or other health risks ON TOP of smoking, it will take less cigarettes to ultimately do them in.

I once knew a guy who was a moderate smoker. He was in the Air Force and was supposed to do a 1-1/2 mile run as a fitness test. He smoked a cigarette just before he did the run and dropped dead of a heart attack on the track. The autopsy showed no hardening of the arteries. The decision was that the cigarette caused a vascular spasm of the heart arteries that was enough to kill him due to the exercise. So at least in this case, it only took one cigarette to kill a person.
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Health/Wellness writer and consultant
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