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prostate massage techniques and precautions

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(1) and massage methods relate to: If you insert too deep finger massage, massage into the seminal vesicle to be confused with prostatic fluid of semen with the drops out, resulting in the prostate seminal vesicle fluid contains some of the cellular components that do not correctly reflect the prostatic fluid the number of white blood cells.

(2) when the force size of Massage: The massage, if forced, when excessive, can cause prostate damage, so that the number of cells in prostatic fluid, in particular a marked increase in the number of red blood cells. If the massage when the force is too light, can not be squeezed out most of the prostatic fluid, so that the number of prostate cells in relatively less liquid.

(3) the nature of disease: In the acute phase of congestive prostatitis, prostate stromal cells is only tubes and congestion and edema, so the number of cells in prostatic fluid fewer. In the period of the formation of vesicles more small abscess, in terms of period of a small abscess gradually increased, the number of white blood cells in prostatic fluid were significantly increased. Chronic prostatitis occur due to fibrosis of prostate, small tube epithelial cells, pus, or obstruction, prostatic fluid white blood cell count may be normal.

(4) Chronic prostatitis often showed focal changes in the digital rectal examination are often found in the prostate surface irregularities, while palpable induration and limitations of the limitations of the flexible area, so any one massage and does not reflect the situation throughout the prostate .

(5) and the anatomy of the prostate itself, relate to: the prostate is divided into the central zone and peripheral zone two parts, from the pathological statistical point of view, the peripheral area of infection than the central area for many, but the discharge of secretion in peripheral areas than the central area difficult, so Prostate massage prostatic fluid obtained mainly from the central area, rather than from the peripheral areas are more vulnerable, so prostate massage fluid examination can not be fully representative of the entire prostate infection.

(6), prostatic fluid viscosity due to the different and non-homogeneous character, so that smear jointed, and in some field of vision to see piles of overlapping white blood cells, while the other saw only the vision of a small number of white blood cells, their error at 20% ~ 25%, and therefore only 12 visual field examination to determine the number of white blood cell count is not accurate enough.

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